Personal Injury.
Personal Injury.
Curtis Gant Betts offer expert representation in Court and unique skills for personal injury matters.
Personal Injury.

Personal Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents & Workers Compensation
There may be circumstances that arise in connection with serious personal injury matters in which a person’s deemed injuries and capacity [often computed to a person’s whole person impairment (WPI)], based on the advice of experienced medical physicians, is at the the prescribed threshold for us to commence proceedings in either the District Court or Supreme Courts on our client’s behalf.
In appropriate cases there can be advantages to injured persons (Plaintiffs) commencing common law proceedings with a view to achieving the maximum compensation sum available.
There can be advantages and disadvantages of initiating common law proceedings particularly in circumstances where there may be an opportunity cost in doing so as an alternative action to an available statutory/legislation based regime. It is important that you hold careful discussions with your experienced Solicitor in order to elect and deduce through reasoning these advantages and disadvantages as specific to your individual case.
One of the perceived advantages in commencing proceedings in the common law division is that there is ordinarily one single compensation payment / award of damages made if the matter is successful which is usually received as a lump sum which is reflective of the person’s injury and future needs for a considerable period of time – normally the remainder of the plaintiff’s life. As noted above, this advantage does still need to be considered carefully in contrast to other statutory regimes that may exist i.e. in the event that an injured person’s medical imposition worsens over time or other substantial medical treatment becomes necessary at a later point in time.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
If you have been injured on the road as a driver, motor bike rider, a passenger, a cyclist or a pedestrian, you may be eligible for compensation. Car accidents often result with lost income due to time off work and also many unplanned medical and other expenses.
Our team at Curtis Gant Betts Solicitors have the knowledge and experience to assist you with any issues arising from your accident and guide you through the process of pursuing your entitlements to compensation.
If you or someone you know has been injured on the road, there are some things you should be aware of if your accidents occurred after 1 December 2017:
- It is important that you report the accident to the police within 28 days of the accident occurring.
- You may be entitled to ‘statutory benefits’ to compensation you for a percentage of your lost earnings and for medical and treatment expenses. In order to claim these benefits, a claim should be lodged with the relevant Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurer as soon as possible and within 28 days.
- If you were not ‘at fault’ in the accident and your injuries are not ‘minor,’ then statutory payments can continue to be paid beyond 6 months up to 2 years and longer if a lump sum compensation claim is made.
If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident on the road, we recommend that you contact us to make an appointment with one of our experienced Solicitors.
Workers Compensation
If you have been injured at work or in the course of your employment, we have a team of Solicitors who can assist you. We have a wealth of experience assisting injured workers and their families with Workers Compensation matters.
Whether you need assistance lodging a Workers Compensation claim, challenging an insurer’s decision or in order to investigate and lodge a claim for lump sum compensation if you are eligible, we can assist you.
Most Workers Compensation matters are now funded by the Independent Review Office (IRO). If appropriate, we will lodge an application for funding with IRO on your behalf to investigate and, if necessary, challenge a decision. We can also represent you should you wish to pursue a claim for compensation in the Personal Injury Commission.
We can also advise you and, if appropriate, act on your behalf in Work Injury Damages matters where there appears to have been negligence resulting in the workplace injury you have suffered. This includes taking all action necessary on your behalf in order to pursue your Work Injury Damages claim in Court.
As Solicitors representing injured persons we will ensure that we fight hard for you and your family to achieve the best possible settlement outcome in your case. We are familiar with this process which can be quite complicated for everyday people.
We also have a wealth of very close contacts in the field of medical review (Doctors/ Physicians and Specialists) and we can assist you by ensuring that you receive the most appropriate and beneficial assessment by such persons to assist you in the process.
As a first step, we recommend that you contact us and arrange an appointment with one of our experienced team to discuss your matter and seek our legal advice.